Live-Talk + Music: The Heart of Cuba | Sven Faller & Marialy Pacheco

Marialy Pacheco & Sven Faller (Fotos: Klaus Polkowski; Franco Silvestri)
Marialy Pacheco & Sven Faller (Fotos: Klaus Polkowski; Franco Silvestri)

Marialy Pacheco is a storyteller. Every note she plays has a meaning. Whether she lets her grand piano speak in full chords or her fingers fly stormily over the keys, there is always an idea behind it, an experience. In 2012, the Cuban pianist became the first woman to win the piano competition at the legendary Montreux Jazz Festival and has since performed at countless international festivals and collaborated with stars such as Max Mutzke, Omar Sosa and Avishai Cohen. She enchants enthusiastic audiences not only with her virtuoso playing, but also with her open cheerfulness.

On this special evening, Sven Faller will not only showcase all facets of her artistic work, but also delve into the pianist's exciting life story in conversation.

Admission: from 19:00 | Advance booking: € 19 / reduced € 16 | Box office: € 21 / reduced € 18
Online via and at all affiliated advance booking offices, such as the Schwandorf tourist office,
Kirchengasse 1, 09431-45550. Tickets already purchased cannot be returned.
VVK prices plus VVK fee

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