Offene Ateliers im Internationalen Künstlerhaus

A-i-R Program
Leah Nieboer, Ryan D. Matthews, Nancy Paredes, Paul Edwards (c) Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus
Leah Nieboer, Ryan D. Matthews, Nancy Paredes, Paul Edwards (c) Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus

For 35 years, the Förderverein Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus e.V. has been awarding work grants to artists with a connection to Bavaria in the fields of visual arts, composition and literature. In return, artists, writers and composers from the partner institutions are guests at the International House of Artists in Schwandorf-Fronberg for four to eight weeks.

With the "Open Studios Day" on Friday, July 12 from 3 pm to 5:30 pm, we cordially invite you to view or listen to the works created in Fronberg and to make personal contact with the exchange artists.

From 4:00 pm, the writers Ryan D. Matthews and Leah Nieboer will read from their texts. 

Following the Open Studios, the Förderverein Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus e. V. invites you to a summer party at the Sperlstadl in Fronberg from 6:00 pm. In addition to members, friends of the association and exchange artists, all interested guests are welcome.

Four artists currently reside in Fronberg. The artist exchange with the VCCA Virginia Center for the Creative Arts is supported by the Förderverein Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus e.V.. The collaboration has existed since 1989.

Nancy Paredes is an artist who works primarily with printmaking and photography and currently lives in the Bronx. She grew up in Queens, New York, as the child of Honduran parents and reconstructs the history of the city in her work.

Paul Edwards is a painter who works from his studio in Cardiff. His painting is figurative and underpinned by drawing - he is interested in creating work about seeing. As well as working in the UK, he regularly works abroad, on the west coast of Ireland at the Ballinglen Foundation and more recently in the USA in Vermont and at the Virginia Centre for the Creative Arts.

Ryan D. Matthews, winner of the de Groot Foundation Courage to Write Award, has been awarded grants from Hawthornden Castle, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Lighthouse Works, Millay Colony, Ucross Foundation, Willapa Bay AiR and others.
He is the curator and host of The Rally - a political reading series in Brooklyn - and his work has most recently appeared in Lit Hub, Litro, Joyland, and the Michigan Quarterly Review.

Leah Nieboer grew up in rural Iowa. She holds a PhD in English and Literature from the University of Denver, is a graduate of the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, winner of the 2022 Mountain West Writers' Contest in Poetry, and recipient of fellowships from the Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the University of Denver, and the Virginia Center for Creative Arts at Mount San Angelo.

We would like to thank all participating artists and our partners at the VCCA.

Internationales Künstlerhaus, Maximilianstraße 10,
92421 Schwandorf-Fronberg
Friday, July 12, 2024 from 3:00-5:30 pm

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